What is social insurance labor?
The economic stagnation in Europe and the United States, the credit uncertainty of some countries expanded, and now there is a lot of challenges on how to restore the Japanese economy in the environment that is said to be the Asian era. The environment surrounding enterprises is still severe. In addition, at a speed that is unparalleled in the world, Japan has entered into an aging society and has been subject to revision of social security laws such as labor law, health insurance, pension, nursing care insurance.
Corresponding to this law revision, maintaining compliance is an essential task of the company. However, we need considerable knowledge and experience to accurately and speedily process payroll accounting, improvement of employment rules, various personnel notifications and declarations on office to personnel affairs. (1) When dealing with a businessperson, it can be said that there is a limit when considering labor such as time and effort.
Therefore, by appropriately providing advice in response to various tasks such as business processes, notification to each government office, payroll calculation, employee’s entry from departure to departure, consultation of personnel system and wage system, It is possible for business owners to devote themselves to the management work, to manage the business reasonably without wasteful labor and expense.
In addition, although it is possible to reduce the burden of personnel expenses of employers for various grants, details of information on various grants from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare are hard to convey to business owners who are busy with their daily work It is a fact that it requires a complex administrative procedure and expertise, so it can be said that it takes a huge amount of labor.
For that, please use social insurance labor as a business partner by all means.
As for the procedure of labor insurance, except for relatives living together, it is necessary to report to the local government office within 10 days after the start of the project if only one employee is employed, and social insurance (health insurance / welfare pension insurance) is less than 5 employees Except for individual workplaces, all of them will be applicable.
Being an application site of these labor and social insurance is the minimum support for employees including business owners to work safely and live a life.
As a standard for employment in the future, it is the common sense of those who do employment and change jobs that it is the minimum standard that being in labor / social insurance. Creating a workable environment by joining labor and social insurance is essential for running the company and as a result leads to better company talent for the company.
About labor · social insurance
As a rule, labor insurance and social insurance are required to enter almost all business establishments.
To subscribe to these insurance …
In addition, the establishment may be able to receive subsidies relating to employment insurance.
When you join labor / social insurance, there are advantages like this …